Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures
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real UID of root, required for applications, Evaluating Software for Security
activating labels, Reboot and Log In to Trusted Extensions
enabling login to labeled zone, Enable Users to Log In to a Labeled Zone
Reducing Printing Restrictions in Trusted Extensions (Task Map), Reducing Printing Restrictions in Trusted Extensions (Task Map)
regaining control of desktop focus, How to Regain Control of the Desktop's Current Focus
registering, LDAP credentials with the Solaris Management Console, Register LDAP Credentials With the Solaris Management Console
regular users, See users
relabeling information, How to Enable a User to Change the Security Level of Data
remote administration
defaults, Secure Remote Administration in Trusted Extensions
methods, Methods for Administering Remote Systems in Trusted Extensions
remote host templates
assigning to hosts, How to Assign a Security Template to a Host or a Group of Hosts
assigning, Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map)
creating, How to Construct a Remote Host Template
tool for administering, Security Templates Tool
remote hosts, using fallback mechanism in tnrhdb, Trusted Network Fallback Mechanism
Remote Login authorization, How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations
remote logins, enabling for roles, Enable Remote Login by a Role in Trusted Extensions
remote multilevel desktop, accessing, How to Use Xvnc to Remotely Access a Trusted Extensions System
removable media, mounting, How to Add a Software Package in Trusted Extensions
remove_allocatable command, Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
removing Trusted Extensions, See disabling
labels on printer output, How to Remove Labels From Printed Output
zone-specific nscd daemon, Configure a Name Service Cache in Each Labeled Zone
repairing, labels in internal databases, How to Obtain a Readable Label From Its Hexadecimal Form
requirements for Trusted Extensions
Solaris installation options, Install a Solaris System to Support Trusted Extensions
Solaris installed systems, Prepare an Installed Solaris System for Trusted Extensions
resolv.conf file
action for editing, Trusted CDE Actions
loading during configuration, Make the Global Zone an LDAP Client in Trusted Extensions
Restart Zone action, Trusted CDE Actions
restoring control of desktop focus, How to Regain Control of the Desktop's Current Focus
access to computer based on label, Effects of Label Range on a Device
access to devices, Device Protection With Trusted Extensions Software
access to global zone, Role Assumption in Trusted Extensions
access to lower-level files, How to Disable the Mounting of Lower-Level Files
access to printers with labels, Restricting Access to Printers and Print Job Information in Trusted Extensions
actions by rights profiles, Trusted Processes in the Window System
mounts of lower-level files, How to Disable the Mounting of Lower-Level Files
printer access with labels, Restricting Access to Printers and Print Job Information in Trusted Extensions
printer label range, How to Configure a Restricted Label Range for a Printer
remote access, Secure Remote Administration in Trusted Extensions
Revoke or Reclaim Device authorization
How to Assign Device Authorizations
How to Assign Device Authorizations
rights profiles
assigning, Security Attribute Assignment to Users in Trusted Extensions
controlling the use of actions, Trusted Processes in the Window System
Convenient Authorizations, How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations
customizing for separation of duty, Create Rights Profiles That Enforce Separation of Duty
with Allocate Device authorization, How to Assign Device Authorizations
with device allocation authorizations, How to Assign Device Authorizations
with new device authorizations, How to Create New Device Authorizations
Rights tool, Trusted Extensions Tools in the Solaris Management Console
rights, See rights profiles
rmmount.conf file
How to Configure an Audio Player Program for Use in Trusted CDE
How to Prevent the File Manager From Displaying After Device Allocation
Task Map: Configuring Trusted Extensions, Task Map: Configuring Trusted Extensions
Task Map: Preparing a Solaris System for Trusted Extensions, Task Map: Preparing a Solaris System for Trusted Extensions
Task Map: Preparing For and Enabling Trusted Extensions, Task Map: Preparing For and Enabling Trusted Extensions
role workspace, global zone, Security Requirements When Administering Trusted Extensions
roleadd command, Create the Security Administrator Role in Trusted Extensions
adding local role with roleadd, Create the Security Administrator Role in Trusted Extensions
administering auditing, Role Setup for Audit Administration
administering remotely
How to Remotely Administer Systems by Using the Solaris Management Console From a Trusted Extensions System
How to Remotely Administer Systems by Using the Solaris Management Console From an Unlabeled System
assigning rights, Security Attribute Assignment to Users in Trusted Extensions
Security Requirements When Administering Trusted Extensions
How to Enter the Global Zone in Trusted Extensions
creating Security Administrator, Create the Security Administrator Role in Trusted Extensions
creating, Role Creation in Trusted Extensions
determining when to create, Make System and Security Decisions Before Enabling Trusted Extensions
leaving role workspace, How to Exit the Global Zone in Trusted Extensions
logging in remotely, Enable Remote Login by a Role in Trusted Extensions
remote login, Remote Login by a Role in Trusted Extensions
role assumption from unlabeled host, Remote Role-Based Administration From Unlabeled Hosts
separation of duty
Create Rights Profiles That Enforce Separation of Duty
Create a Restricted System Administrator Role
trusted application access, Administration Tools for Trusted Extensions
verifying they work, Verify That the Trusted Extensions Roles Work
workspaces, Security Requirements When Administering Trusted Extensions
root passwords, required in Trusted Extensions, Prepare an Installed Solaris System for Trusted Extensions
root UID, required for applications, Evaluating Software for Security
route command
Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
Network Commands in Trusted Extensions
routing, Overview of Routing in Trusted Extensions
accreditation checks, Trusted Extensions Accreditation Checks
commands in Trusted Extensions, Routing Commands in Trusted Extensions
concepts, Administration of Routing in Trusted Extensions
example of, Gateways in Trusted Extensions
specifying default routes for labeled zones, Add a Network Interface That Does Not Use the Global Zone to Route an Existing Labeled Zone
static with security attributes, How to Configure Routes With Security Attributes
Routing Table Entries in Trusted Extensions
Choosing Routers in Trusted Extensions
using route command, How to Configure Routes With Security Attributes


screens, initial display, Reboot and Log In to Trusted Extensions
getmounts, How to Display the Labels of Mounted Files
getzonelabels, How to Display Ready or Running Zones
Administration Tools for Trusted Extensions
Zone Administration Utilities in Trusted Extensions
secure attention, key combination, How to Regain Control of the Desktop's Current Focus
Security Administrator role
administering network of users, Managing Users and Rights With the Solaris Management Console (Task Map)
administering PostScript restriction, PostScript Printing of Security Information
administering printer security, Labels, Printers, and Printing
assigning authorizations to users, How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations
audit tasks, Audit Tasks of the Security Administrator
configuring a device, How to Configure a Device in Trusted Extensions
configuring serial line for login, How to Configure a Serial Line for Logins
creating Convenient Authorizations rights profile, How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations
creating, Create the Security Administrator Role in Trusted Extensions
enabling unlabeled body pages from a public system, How to Modify policy.conf Defaults
enforcing security, Enforcement of Device Security in Trusted Extensions
modifying window configuration files, Front Panel Customization
protecting nonallocatable devices, How to Protect Nonallocatable Devices in Trusted Extensions
security administrators, See Security Administrator role
security attributes, Routing Table Entries in Trusted Extensions
modifying defaults for all users, How to Modify policy.conf Defaults
modifying user defaults, How to Modify Default User Label Attributes
setting for remote hosts, How to Construct a Remote Host Template
using in routing, How to Configure Routes With Security Attributes
security information, on printer output, Labeled Printer Output
security label set, remote host templates, Network Security Attributes in Trusted Extensions
security mechanisms
extensible, Extension of Solaris Security Mechanisms by Trusted Extensions
Solaris, Solaris Security Mechanisms for Software
security policy
auditing, Trusted Extensions Audit Policy Options
training users, Users and Security Requirements
users and devices, Enforcement of Device Security in Trusted Extensions
Security Templates tool
Trusted Extensions Tools in the Solaris Management Console
Security Templates Tool
assigning templates, How to Assign a Security Template to a Host or a Group of Hosts
modifying tnrhdb
Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map)
Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map)
using, How to Open the Trusted Networking Tools
security templates, See remote host templates
initial setup team, Initial Setup Team Responsibilities
publications, Additional Security References
root password, Prepare an Installed Solaris System for Trusted Extensions
site security policy, Site Security Policy
sel_config file, sel_config File
action for editing, Trusted CDE Actions
configuring selection transfer rules, sel_config File
selecting, audit records by label, Audit Tasks of the System Administrator
Selection Confirmer, changing defaults, sel_config File
Selection Manager
changing timeout, How to Lengthen the Timeout When Relabeling Information
configuring rules for selection confirmer, sel_config File
separation of duty
creating rights profiles, Create Rights Profiles That Enforce Separation of Duty
planning for LDAP, Populate the Sun Java System Directory Server
planning for, Devising a Configuration Strategy for Trusted Extensions
serial line, configuring for logins, How to Configure a Serial Line for Logins
service management facility (SMF), Trusted Extensions service, What's New in Trusted Extensions
service management framework (SMF)
dpadm, Install the Sun Java System Directory Server
dsadm, Install the Sun Java System Directory Server
labeld service, Enable Solaris Trusted Extensions
session range, Label Ranges
sessions, failsafe, How to Log In to a Failsafe Session in Trusted Extensions
Set Daily Message action, Trusted CDE Actions
Set Default Routes action, Trusted CDE Actions
Set DNS Servers action, Trusted CDE Actions
setlabel command, Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
Share Filesystems action, Trusted CDE Actions
Share Logical Interface action
Trusted CDE Actions
Specify Two IP Addresses for the System by Using a CDE Action
Share Physical Interface action
Trusted CDE Actions
Specify One IP Address for the System by Using a CDE Action
sharing, ZFS dataset from labeled zone, How to Share a ZFS Dataset From a Labeled Zone
Shut Down Zone action
Trusted CDE Actions
Customize a Booted Zone in Trusted Extensions
Shutdown authorization, How to Create a Rights Profile for Convenient Authorizations
between Trusted Extensions and Solaris auditing, Trusted Extensions and Auditing
between Trusted Extensions and Solaris OS, Similarities Between Trusted Extensions and the Solaris OS
single-label operation, Label Ranges
single-label printing, configuring for a zone, How to Configure a Zone for Single-Label Printing
site security policy
common violations, Common Security Violations
personnel recommendations, Personnel Security Recommendations
physical access recommendations, Physical Security Recommendations
recommendations, Computer Security Recommendations
tasks involved, Site Security Policy
Trusted Extensions configuration decisions, Site Security Policy and Trusted Extensions
understanding, Understanding Your Site's Security Policy
smtnrhdb command, Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
smtnrhtp command, Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
smtnzonecfg command, Command Line Tools in Trusted Extensions
snoop command
Network Commands in Trusted Extensions
How to Debug the Trusted Extensions Network
administering third-party, Software Management in Trusted Extensions (Tasks)
importing, Adding Software to Trusted Extensions
installing Java programs, How to Install a Java Archive File in Trusted Extensions
Solaris installation options, requirements, Install a Solaris System to Support Trusted Extensions
Solaris installed systems, requirements for Trusted Extensions, Prepare an Installed Solaris System for Trusted Extensions
Solaris Management Console
administering trusted network, Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map)
administering users, Managing Users and Rights With the Solaris Management Console (Task Map)
Computers and Networks tool, How to Add Hosts to the System's Known Network
configuring for LDAP, Configuring the Solaris Management Console for LDAP (Task Map)
configuring LDAP toolbox, Edit the LDAP Toolbox in the Solaris Management Console
description of tools and toolboxes, Solaris Management Console Tools
enabling LDAP toolbox to be used, Enable the Solaris Management Console to Accept Network Communications
initializing, Initialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions
loading a Trusted Extensions toolbox, Initialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions
registering LDAP credentials, Register LDAP Credentials With the Solaris Management Console
Security Templates tool
Security Templates Tool
How to Open the Trusted Networking Tools
starting, How to Administer the Local System With the Solaris Management Console
toolboxes, Solaris Management Console Tools
Initialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions
Initialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions
Trusted Network Zones tool, Trusted Network Zones Tool
using Trusted Network Zone Configuration tool
Name and Label the Zone
Specify Zone Names and Zone Labels by Using a CDE Action
working with Sun Java System Directory Server, Configuring the Solaris Management Console for LDAP (Task Map)
Solaris OS
differences from Trusted Extensions auditing, Trusted Extensions and Auditing
differences from Trusted Extensions, Differences Between Trusted Extensions and the Solaris OS
similarities with Trusted Extensions auditing, Trusted Extensions and Auditing
similarities with Trusted Extensions, Similarities Between Trusted Extensions and the Solaris OS
solaris.print.nobanner authorization
How to Modify policy.conf Defaults
How to Suppress Banner and Trailer Pages for Specific Users authorization, How to Enable Users to Print PostScript Files in Trusted Extensions
solaris.print.unlabeled authorization, How to Modify policy.conf Defaults
Solaris Trusted Extensions, See Trusted Extensions
StarOffice, lengthening timeout when relabeling, How to Lengthen the Timeout When Relabeling Information
Start Zone action
Trusted CDE Actions
Install, Initialize, and Boot a Labeled Zone by Using CDE Actions
Boot the Labeled Zone
Install, Initialize, and Boot a Labeled Zone by Using CDE Actions
startup files, procedures for customizing, How to Configure Startup Files for Users in Trusted Extensions
Stop-A, enabling, How to Change Security Defaults in System Files
Sun Java System Directory Server, See LDAP server
Sun Ray systems
enabling initial contact between client and server, How to Limit the Hosts That Can Be Contacted on the Trusted Network
preventing users from seeing others' processes, How to Modify policy.conf Defaults
svcs: Pattern 'labeld' doesn't match any instances, Enable Solaris Trusted Extensions
System Administrator role
adding device_clean script, How to Add a Device_Clean Script in Trusted Extensions
adding print conversion filters, Additional Conversion Filters
administering printers, Labels, Printers, and Printing
audit tasks, Audit Tasks of the System Administrator
enabling music to play automatically, How to Configure an Audio Player Program for Use in Trusted CDE
preventing File Manager display, How to Prevent the File Manager From Displaying After Device Allocation
reclaiming a device, How to Revoke or Reclaim a Device in Trusted Extensions
restricting, Create a Restricted System Administrator Role
reviewing audit records, Audit Tasks of the System Administrator
system files
How to Edit Administrative Files in Trusted Extensions
How to Change Security Defaults in System Files
Solaris /etc/default/print, How to Enable Users to Print PostScript Files in Trusted Extensions
Solaris policy.conf, How to Enable Users to Print PostScript Files in Trusted Extensions
Trusted Extensions sel_config, sel_config File
Trusted Extensions, How to Remove Page Labels From All Print Jobs
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