Kernel Statistics Functions
The kernel statistics (kstats) functions are:
- kstat_create()
Create and initialize a new kstat
- kstat_delete()
Remove a kstat from the system
- kstat_install()
Add a fully initialized kstat to the system
- kstat_named_init()
Initialize a named kstat
- kstat_runq_back_to_waitq()
Record a transaction migration from run queue to the wait queue
- kstat_runq_enter()
Record a transaction addition to the run queue
- kstat_runq_exit()
Record a transaction removal from the run queue
- kstat_waitq_enter()
Record a transaction addition to the wait queue
- kstat_waitq_exit()
Record a transaction removal from the wait queue
- kstat_waitq_to_runq()
Record a transaction migration from the wait queue to the run queue